You find no unusual improvements in this issue of TVia. I'm afraid I've spoiled you because in the past each issue had some special advance over the one before. We now have done about all the things we can short of printing by photo offset which will not be feasible until the circulation is much bigger than at present, so we are now on a plateau.
I want to remind all, especially new readers that the material in TVia is contributed by the readers. Of late the contributions have somewhat dropped off so if we are to keep alive keep them coming. I dont originate, I just collect, coordinate and distribute so if there is some particular type of material you'd like to see in TVia send it in, perhaps it will stimulate others to do likewise. Contributions may not appear for several issues after they are received because I have to lan the issue around a theme, if any, and in consid- eration of the variety and length of articles. I particular- ly need short items to fill bottoms of pages, such as jokes or poems. For those of you who'd like to contribute but who don't quite know where to start I refer you back to page 74 of TVia #5 where a variety of topics were listed. Incident- ally I have received no conclusions to the contest story in 8! TVia #10 will be given over to fashion, make-up, hints and helps--that is if those of you who have some suggestions and ideas will contribute them for the edification of your sisters. I will try to departmentalize the material if enou comes in, but please send the stuff in promptly since I have to organize the whole thing before I can start to type it.
I still try to put in a variety of things, so please un- derstand if the whole mag. isn't filled with just the kind of thing you'd like. I hope that those who don't care for the medical and philosophical articles will bear in mind that this mag isn't written JUST for TVs only. It is my hope that others will see it too and that they will be interested in what m kes us tick both by our own estimation and that of the medical profession. If we ever wish to win any understanding this is the first step.